跨世代讀書會Intergenerational Book Club Discussion Guide: “Where Every Ghost Has a Name: A Memoir of Taiwanese Independence” by Kim Liao (Discussion Guide & Events)

Taipei Times | An American granddaughter’s quest to unravel her family’s murky history has resulted in an outstanding biography of Thomas Liao and the fight for Taiwanese independence

Saturday, February 15, 2025 – 10AM – 11:30AM | Webex (Registration Link)
“Where Every Ghost Has a Name” Intergenerational Book Club Discussion (English)
Join the Taiwanese American Federation of Northern California for an intergenerational virtual book club discussion on Kim Liao’s memoir, “Where Every Ghost Has a Name: A Memoir of Taiwanese Independence.” The discussion will be primarily in English (Taiwanese or Mandarin comments welcome) and moderated by Leona Chen. Registration requested for headcount.
We welcome anyone to form their own discussion groups as well using our discussion guide as a starting point!
10:00AM – Opening remarks & introduction
10:05 – 11:00AM – Guided discussion
11:00 – 11:30AM – Open discussion/reflection
Book Club Discussion Questions –
- Before reading this book, how would you describe the major aspirations of the Taiwanese independence movement? How does reading this book impact that answer, if at all?
- What was your impression of Thomas Liao 廖文毅 prior to reading the book (if you had one)? How does Kim’s memoir complicate, challenge, or change that?
- Several prominent figures of the Taiwanese independence movement are mentioned in the book. Who do you recognize? What surprised you about how they are characterized? What questions would you ask them today, if you could?
- The memoir reveals the profound sacrifices each member of the Liao family made, willingly and not. What choices or circumstances resonated with you? Why?
- Which character did you find most intriguing? Why?
- How would you describe the central tension of this book? Did it feel resolved by the end?
- For Kim, the seminal text that drew her to this era of Taiwanese political history was Formosa Betrayed. What was yours? How did it make you feel? What do you remember about that reading experience?
- How does this memoir contribute to or expand Taiwanese American literature? What is the significance of discussing and reading this with a multigenerational Taiwanese American community?
讀書會討論問題 –
- 在閱讀這本書之前,您會如何描述台獨運動的主要訴求?閱讀這本書後,對這個答案有何影響(如果有的話)?
- 在讀這本書之前,你對廖文毅的印象如何(如果你有的話)?Kim Liao的回憶錄如何將您對廖文毅的態度變得複雜、衝擊或轉變?
- 書中提到了幾位台獨運動的知名人物。你認得幾位?他們在書中的什麼特徵讓您感到驚訝?如果可以的話,您今天會問他們什麼問題?
- 這本回憶錄揭示了廖氏家族每個成員自動或被動地做出了沉痛的犧牲。哪些選擇或情況引起了您的共鳴?為什麼?
- 您覺得哪個角色最有趣?為什麼?
- 您如何描述這本書的中心張力?最後有解決了嗎?
- 對Kim來說,吸引她進入這個台灣政治歷史時代的書是 Formosa Betrayed。你的是什麼?你感覺如何?關於那次閱讀經驗,你還記得什麼?
- 這本回憶錄如何貢獻或擴展了台美文學?與跨世代台裔美國人社區討論和閱讀這篇文章的意義在哪裡?
Writing/Reflection Prompts –
- Who is a person in your life (family, friend, community member) you would like to learn more about? What stories have you heard about them? Write 5 questions you would ask them today, if you could.
- If you could learn more about a historical event from the perspective of someone in your life who lived through it, who/what would it be? Why?
- Much of this book grapples with the difficulty of writing about real people in a public way; some of the characters mentioned were reluctant to be written about; others are no longer here to give their explicit consent. If someone close to you were to write about you, how would you feel? What would you want to know? What would you be proud to share? What would you be uncomfortable sharing?

Saturday, February 22, 2025 – 10AM – 11:30AM | Webex Webinar (Register here)
Kim Liao Keynote and Q&A (TAFNC 228 Annual Memorial Event)
“Tell a child nothing, and she will become obsessed with knowledge.” Join Taiwanese American Kim Liao for a virtual keynote address and Q&A, moderated by Taiwanese American community leader Kristie Wang and writer Rebecca Liu. The webinar includes a keynote by Kim Liao, moderator reflections and dialogue, audience Q&A, and a short brainstorming session for audience members to begin reflecting on their own stories and histories; attendees are invited to submit their inspired work for publication on TaiwaneseAmerican.org (selected pieces will be compensated). This event is hosted by the Taiwanese American Federation of Northern California as part of their annual 228 Commemoration and is co-presented by TaiwaneseAmerican.org.
Free and open to the public; registration required for link to participate.
10:00AM – Opening Remarks: Angel Shay (TAFNC President) – Taiwanese
10:05AM – Introduction: Leona Chen
10:10AM – Kim Liao Keynote
10:30AM – Moderator reflections (5 minutes each)
10:45AM – Q&A
11:15AM – Community Writing Workshop
11:25AM – Closing remarks